Eslhílhkw'iws Chet
Census Data Summary

What would you say contributes to your feelings of stress?

Response OptionTotal
Money issues47.62%
Physical or mental health41.64%
Work issues, responsibilities, or job stability36.83%
Not having enough time30.11%
Housing issues25.93%
Problems faced by my friends and family25.57%
Being disconnected from my culture (access to traditional foods, medicine, language)21.53%
Loss of a loved one19.18%
Caregiver responsibilities (parenting, caring for parents, etc.)14.21%
Fear of contracting COVID-1913.43%
Personal/intimate relationship13.36%
School responsibilities13.24%
Other people treating me poorly (hostility at work or in community, discrimination)10.58%
Safety for myself and/or people I care about (e.g. abuse, violence, neglect, etc.)9.73%
Neighbourhood issues (safety, noise, etc.)7.59%
I am not stressed6.15%
Prefer not to say-