Eslhílhkw'iws Chet
Census Data Summary

How much do you trust the following Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw services?

How much do you trust the following Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw  services?
Question Title

Nexwsxwníw̓ntm ta Úxwumixw (Council)

Response OptionTotal
A lot23.18%
A moderate amount31.36%
A little26.33%
Not at all12.7%
I am not familiar with this service6.44%

Ta na wa Ch’awát ta Sx̱wéx̱wel (Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Valley Operations)

Response OptionTotal
A lot28.45%
A moderate amount18.65%
A little-
Not at all-
I am not familiar with this service39.19%

Ta na wa Chen̓tm (Council Advisory & Support)

Response OptionTotal
A lot25.13%
A moderate amount18.83%
A little12.29%
Not at all6.75%
I am not familiar with this service36.99%

Ta na wa Ns7éyx̱nitm ta Snew̓íyelh (Language & Cultural Affairs)

Response OptionTotal
A lot32.58%
A moderate amount27.39%
A little13.02%
Not at all3.33%
I am not familiar with this service23.67%

Ta na wa Shéway I7x̱w ta Úxwumixw (Planning & Capital Projects)

Response OptionTotal
A lot18.43%
A moderate amount27.51%
A little11.65%
Not at all12.54%
I am not familiar with this service29.87%

Ta na wa Yúus ta Stitúyntsam̓ (Rights & Title)

Response OptionTotal
A lot24.13%
A moderate amount28.02%
A little10.75%
Not at all7.21%
I am not familiar with this service29.88%

Ts’ixwts’ixwnítway (Member Services)

Response OptionTotal
A lot40.57%
A moderate amount32.06%
A little15.56%
Not at all6.06%
I am not familiar with this service5.76%

Yúustway (Health & Wellness)

Response OptionTotal
A lot34.95%
A moderate amount41.23%
A little10.18%
Not at all-
I am not familiar with this service-

Ayás Mén̓men (Child & Family Services)

Response OptionTotal
A lot41.08%
A moderate amount28.26%
A little11.57%
Not at all7.56%
I am not familiar with this service11.52%

Chén̓chenstway (Human Resources)

Response OptionTotal
A lot25.34%
A moderate amount30.38%
A little14.08%
Not at all10.78%
I am not familiar with this service19.42%

Estx̱wáy̓usem (Finance & IT)

Response OptionTotal
A lot29.13%
A moderate amount27.54%
A little19.45%
Not at all5.08%
I am not familiar with this service18.8%

Hiy̓ám̓ Housing

Response OptionTotal
A lot25.9%
A moderate amount25.94%
A little18.5%
Not at all10.28%
I am not familiar with this service19.38%

Nch’ḵay̓ Development Corporation

Response OptionTotal
A lot23.88%
A moderate amount27.27%
A little11.35%
Not at all6.86%
I am not familiar with this service30.64%

Nexwsp’áyaḵen ta Úxwumixw (Community Operations)

Response OptionTotal
A lot28.27%
A moderate amount33.1%
A little12.71%
Not at all11.22%
I am not familiar with this service14.7%

Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw Trust

Response OptionTotal
A lot23.89%
A moderate amount29.75%
A little14.94%
Not at all9.55%
I am not familiar with this service21.88%

Ta7lnew̓ás (Education, Employment & Training)

Response OptionTotal
A lot44.67%
A moderate amount30.55%
A little14.11%
Not at all3.58%
I am not familiar with this service7.09%