Eslhílhkw'iws Chet
Census Data Summary

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements describing your relationship to Sḵwx̱wú7mesh communities?

I feel connected to other Sḵwx̱wú7mesh members

Response OptionTotal
Strongly agree25.58%
Somewhat agree38.91%
Somewhat disagree7.64%
Strongly disagree7.07%

I feel like I belong to the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation)

Response OptionTotal
Strongly agree34.15%
Somewhat agree31.15%
Somewhat disagree-
Strongly disagree-

I participate in organized community events

Response OptionTotal
Strongly agree17.05%
Somewhat agree36.99%
Somewhat disagree9.76%
Strongly disagree9.76%

I keep connected with Sḵwx̱wú7mesh family and friends

Response OptionTotal
Strongly agree32.98%
Somewhat agree41.75%
Somewhat disagree-
Strongly disagree-

I keep updated on what is happening with our communities

Response OptionTotal
Strongly agree17.13%
Somewhat agree46.75%
Somewhat disagree8.11%
Strongly disagree5.21%

I feel safe in our communities

Response OptionTotal
Strongly agree16.63%
Somewhat agree39.92%
Somewhat disagree16.55%
Strongly disagree4.36%

I feel welcome in our communities

Response OptionTotal
Strongly agree28.05%
Somewhat agree32.5%
Somewhat disagree10.22%
Strongly disagree2.47%

I feel pride about our communities

Response OptionTotal
Strongly agree30.18%
Somewhat agree41.29%
Somewhat disagree7.21%
Strongly disagree1.59%