Eslhílhkw'iws Chet
Census Data Summary

Have any of the following factors limited your ability to be out on the land as much as you would have liked in the last 12 months?

Response OptionTotal
I do not have the knowledge39.95%
I do not have the time31.02%
I do not have the supplies or money to purchase what I need30.39%
I do not have transportation to reach the places I want to go25.97%
I live too far away24.47%
Non-Sḵwx̱wú7mesh members on the territory limit my ability to peacefully enjoy the places I want to go18.1%
Changes to seasons, temperature, and climate14.94%
I was able to get out on the land as much as I wanted to11.7%
The places I want to go are too busy 10.3%
The places I want to go are damaged (e.g. environmental degradation, pollution)8.16%
Nothing limited my ability7.94%
The places I want to go have been developed for other purposes6.83%
Not applicable-