Eslhílhkw'iws Chet
Census Data Summary

Are any of the following stopping you from making the changes you would like to make to your health and wellness?

Response OptionTotal
Lack of motivation33.27%
Not enough time25.24%
There is nothing stopping me21.05%
Work responsibilities20.11%
Family responsibilities19.79%
Mental condition17.98%
I don't know how to make the improvements I want17.23%
I don't feel comfortable accessing available services, programs, or amenities16.98%
I feel judged when I try to make changes16.22%
Services, programs, or amenities are not available nearby15.87%
Fear of contracting COVID-1914.33%
Physical condition11.26%
Transportation barriers9.99%
Childcare barriers5.09%
Services, programs, or amenities are not culturally appropriate4.98%
I don't feel like I need to make improvements-
Prefer not to say-